Can I cancel and get a refund?

We know that Premium isn't for everyone, which is why we're happy to offer a 14-day money-back guarantee for all new upgrades so you can try out our service for up to 2 weeks! This does not apply to our monthly sub plan. If you find the service doesn't fit your needs in this first 14-day window, we're happy to provide a full refund. Just give us a message at to request this specifically and we'll help you out :)

For subscription payments that are renewals of existing plans, we have a 14-day refund policy and we can help you with those refunds once you email us at Please note that we do not offer pro-rated refunds outside of this range, and for subscriptions paid for via the iTunes platform or Apple, you will need to cancel via your account with them (check out these instructions here for help with that!).

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