I have to make travel plans months in advance, are these deals for me?

While we do sometimes find last-minute deals, most of the deal alerts we send out are for fares 2-11 months out, so you'll have plenty of time to get your ducks in a row before your trip comes around. If you're looking for deals less than 1 month out, we'd suggest checking out Google Flights to see if there is a price dip for the dates you're after. We'd also recommend checking out our guide for when it's best to book for the best advice on planning a trip.

Luckily, when we have a bit of lead time we are typically able to help our members with deals to most destinations. We'll always keep an eye out and will let the club know when a new deal comes up though! Just in case, being a member of our Premium mailing list can make it more likely that the deal you're after will make it to your inbox - Premium members get 4x more deals and access to all our little extras like travel discounts arranged by us, short-haul deals, and more specific departure airport monitoring. Check out all the options here, and remember we have a 30-day money-back guarantee for all website upgrades should you find the club isn't a good fit for your needs :)

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