How many cheap flight alerts can I expect to receive?
It depends on how many insanely cheap flights we unearth. We don't take commissions for your clicks and are not affiliated with any airlines or booking agents, so we'll only send you a deal when there is a genuinely fantastic fare. On average, free members can expect 6-8 awesome deals per month. Premium Membership subscribers will receive 25-40+ email alerts every month, depending on their departure airport selection.
One thing that would make it more likely for you to receive that special deal you're after is to sign up for our Premium membership, you can see all the details on how to upgrade here. All our upgrade plans include a 30-day money-back guarantee in case you find it's not a good fit for you, but you'll have added access to departure filters, 4x more deals (which is why you're more likely to see that specific fare), special short-haul alerts for even more chances for a trip, along with special discounts on travel services you're already purchasing for your adventures.